Other Links and Resources
A recent outstanding addition is this broad survey outlining the importance of bees to us all and the environment. Compiled by Georgetown University Environmental Science student Katie Kress:
We are also sharing a club members fantastic resource links page...
Please visit The Carolina Bee Company's [Links & Resources] page.
Photography Credits:
There are a number of folks that have contributed to the photos on our website and newsletters. One photographer in particular asked that we link to his website here. Thank you, Alexander Wild, for allowing us to use your photos in a number of our newsletters: http://www.alexanderwild.com/Insects/Stories/Honey-Bees/
If we have erroneously credited anyone, or failed to credit folks when credit was due and obtainable, we apologize. If you find an error, please email webmaster@franklincountybees.org and we'll correct the error immediately.